CCDAK Free Exam Questions & Answers PDF Updated on Jun-2022 [Q63-Q80]

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CCDAK Free Exam Questions and Answers PDF Updated on Jun-2022

Latest CCDAK Exam Dumps Recently Updated 150 Questions

NO.63 A Zookeeper ensemble contains 5 servers. What is the maximum number of servers that can go missing and the ensemble still run?


NO.64 How do Kafka brokers ensure great performance between the producers and consumers? (select two)


NO.65 In Java, Avro SpecificRecords classes are


NO.66 Which KSQL queries write to Kafka?


NO.67 Your producer is producing at a very high rate and the batches are completely full each time. How can you improve the producer throughput? (select two)


NO.68 A topic has three replicas and you set min.insync.replicas to 2. If two out of three replicas are not available, what happens when a consume request is sent to broker?


NO.69 What information isn’t stored inside of Zookeeper? (select two)


NO.70 Which of the following errors are retriable from a producer perspective? (select two)


NO.71 To get acknowledgement of writes to only the leader partition, we need to use the config…


NO.72 You are using JDBC source connector to copy data from 2 tables to two Kafka topics. There is one connector created with max.tasks equal to 2 deployed on a cluster of 3 workers. How many tasks are launched?


NO.73 Which actions will trigger partition rebalance for a consumer group? (select three)


NO.74 What is the default port that the KSQL server listens on?


NO.75 A topic “sales” is being produced to in the Americas region. You are mirroring this topic using Mirror Maker to the European region. From there, you are only reading the topic for analytics purposes. What kind of mirroring is this?


NO.76 Kafka is configured with following parameters – log.retention.hours = 168 log.retention.minutes = 168 = 168 How long will the messages be retained for?


NO.77 What happens when broker.rack configuration is provided in broker configuration in Kafka cluster?


NO.78 Suppose you have 6 brokers and you decide to create a topic with 10 partitions and a replication factor of 3. The brokers 0 and 1 are on rack A, the brokers 2 and 3 are on rack B, and the brokers 4 and 5 are on rack C.
If the leader for partition 0 is on broker 4, and the first replica is on broker 2, which broker can host the last replica? (select two)


NO.79 A client connects to a broker in the cluster and sends a fetch request for a partition in a topic. It gets an exception Not Leader For Partition Exception in the response. How does client handle this situation?


NO.80 Select the Kafka Streams joins that are always windowed joins.


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