Free HashiCorp VA-002-P Exam 2022 Practice Materials Collection [Q68-Q90]

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Free HashiCorp VA-002-P Exam 2022 Practice Materials Collection

VA-002-P Exam Info and Free Practice Test All-in-One Exam Guide Nov-2022

Q68. Which is not a benefit of running HashiCorp Vault in your environment?


Q69. From the code below, identify the implicit dependency:
1. resource “aws_eip” “public_ip” {
2. vpc = true
3. instance =
4. }
5. resource “aws_instance” “web_server” {
6. ami = “ami-2757f631”
7. instance_type = “t2.micro”
8. depends_on = [aws_s3_bucket.company_data]
9. }


Q70. True or False: Provisioners should only be used as a last resort.


Q71. Which of the following storage backends are supported by HashiCorp technical support? (select four)


Q72. True or False:
State is a requirement for Terraform to function.


Q73. In terraform, most resource dependencies are handled automatically. Which of the following statements describes best how terraform resource dependencies are handled?


Q74. Unsealing Vault creates the encryption keys, which is used to unencrypt the data on the storage backend.


Q75. True or False:
A list(…) may contain a number of values of the same type while an object(…) can contain a number of values of different types.


Q76. What type of token does not have a TTL (time to live)?


Q77. Using multi-cloud and provider-agnostic tools provides which of the following benefits? (select two)


Q78. A user has logged into the Vault user interface but cannot browse to a secret located at kv/applications/app3, however, the policy the user is bound by permits read permission to the secret.
Because of the read permission, the user should be able to read the secret in the Vault UI.


Q79. What type of policy is shown below?
1. key_prefix “vault/” {
2. policy = “write”
3. }
4. node_prefix “” {
5. policy = “write”
6. }
7. service “vault” {
8. policy = “write”
9. }
10. agent_prefix “” {
11. policy = “write”
12. }
13. session_prefix “” {
14. policy = “write”
15. }


Q80. True or False? When using the Terraform provider for Vault, the tight integration between these HashiCorp tools provides the ability to mask secrets in the terraform plan and state files.


Q81. What is the proper command to enable the AWS secrets engine at the default path?


Q82. In order to make a Terraform configuration file dynamic and/or reusable, static values should be converted to use what?


Q83. When creating a dynamic secret in Vault, Vault returns what value that can be used to renew or revoke the lease?


Q84. Given the following screenshot, how many secrets engines have been enabled?


Q85. Which type of Vault replication copies all data from Vault, including K/V data, policies, and client tokens?


Q86. Select the answer below that completes the following statement:
Terraform Cloud can be managed from the CLI but requires __________?


Q87. When administering Vault on a day-to-day basis, why is logging in with the root token, as shown below, a bad idea? (select two).


Q88. As opposed to service tokens, batch tokens are ideal for what type of action?


Q89. What Terraform feature is shown in the example below?
1. resource “aws_security_group” “example” {
2. name = “sg-app-web-01”
3. dynamic “ingress” {
4. for_each = var.service_ports
5. content {
6. from_port = ingress.value
7. to_port = ingress.value
8. protocol = “tcp”
9. }
10. }
11. }


Q90. Which TCP port does Vault use, by default, for its API and UI?


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